Instructional Coaching

Instructional coaching has taken off over the past decade, and EducationHall has helped to lead the initiative into prime-time. It is commonly understood that high-quality first instruction is the #1 determinant of student success, and no single role in education impacts, influences, and inspires teachers to greater heights than the instructional coach.
Whether you’re an individual coach looking to enhance your acumen, a school looking to revamp your capacity-building practices, or a district embarking upon (or refining) your coaching systems and programs, we have the tools, structures, philosophy, and support to help you achieve your coaching goals. At EducationHall, we focus on supporting you as you launch, grow, and polish your instructional coaching programs and practices. Some of the many topics within this realm include:

Some of the many topics within this realm include

Capacity-Building 101

Knowledge, skills, and dispositions of effective instructional coaches

Leading Effective Teams

One of the responsibilities many coaches shoulder is leading departments and/or teams

The Power of Self-Reflection

One of the hallmarks of the coaching approach espoused by EducationHall President/CEO Pete Hall is based on building self-reflective capacity – we can show you how and why that works

Partnering with Your Administrator

Clarifying roles, building partnership, establishing norms, day-to-day communication, and more

Relationships First

Coaches are in roles of 100% support of teachers, so that relationship is critical

Curating a Clear Coaching Vision

Why coaching, and how will our students gain as a result, are great questions to pose at the start (or any other point) of the coaching journey

Not sure where to start? Not to worry, we’ve got your back. Simply Contact Us and set up a time for a strategic call. We’ll help you hone your focus and design a professional learning plan that ushers you along the path toward success, however you define it.
High-quality Tier One instruction is the #1 school-controlled variable that impacts student learning outcomes. This year, don’t leave it to chance — level-up your capacity-building efforts through an intensive, tailored, robust partnership with EducationHall.

Over the past 20 years, Pete and his team have provided support for instructional coaches, principals, teachers, and other leaders in over 40 states and six countries. Our focus is on helping you develop a system in which the culture embraces continuous improvement, productive change, limitless growth, powerful relationships, and reflective practice…so staff, students, and communities flourish.

Learn more

Resources related to Instructional Coaching

Interested in learning more? Maybe you’d like to start a book study or access a resource to supplement your learning. Here are a couple options, and you can learn more on our Resources page.

What do you need?​

Professional Learning Facilitators

You know of Pete Hall’s skills and reputation as an instructional leader. He leads the stable of experienced leadership experts who are available to provide high-quality, highly-engaging, and highly-impactful professional development experiences for you and your team. To learn more about our collection of professional learning facilitators, visit the EducationHall Speakers Bureau

Keynote address

Small- or large-group sessions, highly informative, less interactive, highly motivational messages

Workshop or Series of workshops

From 60-minute sessions to a series of 6-hour workshops, we can go as in-depth as you need, offering interactive, collaborative opportunities for learning the skills and strategies to assist you in support your team(s)

In-Person PD

We know the value of face-to-face, human-to-human, eye-to-eye connections during professional learning experiences, don’t we? We missed that so much during the pandemic! We prioritize face-to-face whenever possible, understanding its place at the top of adult-learning theory. Here are some options you might want to consider when putting together your professional learning plans.

Site visits and walkthroughs

From strategic planning sessions to campus walks, classroom visits, facilitated team meetings, we can help you make the most of in-school time with collaborative, in-the-moment sessions that address current challenges and needs

Conferences or Retreats

When you want to build teamwork, separate from the grind, enhance your coaching acumen together, we can plan, build, and deliver a top-shelf, one-day or multi-day experience to meet your needs

Virtual Professional Development

If we gained something from the pandemic, it was our willingness to embrace virtual learning options as viable (and cost-effective) ways to continue to “sharpen our saw” and build our skills. Virtual learning offers flexibility and choice in ways that in-person PD doesn’t always accommodate, so we have asynchronous and synchronous options for all of these options:


All the opportunities for small- or large-group PD that we can do in-person can also be provided virtually, using as many interactive tools as possible

Online courses

We are continuously working to update our library of on-demand online courses, and many of these are built to highlight topics and themes as you request them


These static, informative sessions provide key information that you can refer back to often, and use as you wish

Looking for a mentor?

Leadership can be a lonely journey, and make no mistake, instructional coaches are leaders; that said, you needn’t travel it alone. Professional mentoring programs have taken off in recent years as leaders (and prospective leaders) have sought strategies for increasing their leadership acumen, their impact, and their professional satisfaction. Want to be a stronger coach? Looking to acquire your first (or next) coaching role? Facing a particular challenge? Interested in having a guide by your side as you dance, slide, and high-five your way through the tumultuous world of coaching? EducationHall’s President/CEO Pete Hall has your back.

What can you expect from EducationHall’s Professional Learning support?

With the team at EducationHall, you’ve truly got a partner. We pride ourselves on offering top-notch support through tailored professional learning experiences (you won’t get a canned presentation) designed to help you meet your goals. Whether it’s Pete or any member of our stable of incredible facilitators, we aim to deliver engaging, relevant, applicable services from authentic, driven, versatile human beings, well-versed in current educational trends, recent research, and the practices of andragogy.

In addition, we always provide up-front pricing with no surprises, making the paperwork easy for you so you can focus on what’s important: your vision, your goals, and your needs. To that end, we offer a guarantee and a promise that we’ll do everything we can to support you in achieving incredible levels of success. Want to know what some of our hundreds of past client-partners have said? Read the endorsements below:

Words of praise for EducationHall​

“Engaging, funny, and gave us incredible tools and strategies that we can use immediately. I was literally adjusting tomorrow’s agenda to use his strategies.”

Wendy H.

Instructional Specialist (TX)

“​Thank you for creating an environment where everybody has a chance to learn and grow. I have many take-aways to improve my work with teachers.”
Jodi M.

Principal (PA)

“This work makes all the difference in the world. Once we started rolling up our sleeves and digging in on-site, our momentum shifted significantly.”
Sherry B.

Director of Instruction (TX)